Music is freedom, it has no limits ,no boundaries.
Forgive me if I feel it deep inside of me, in my DNA, through HIM…
My father Toni Missirlis,who left me with all this inherited kind of disciplinated freedom of a big voice’s range ,from laik repertory till pop and opera,as I was playing easily with my chords from when I was 2 years of age.
‘treasure is the talent” said a great musician ‘we do not abandonate it ,it hunts us everywhere.Its a shame they do not feell the love,the freedom of the soul throughout the notes and the sensations…
That is why I share all those things with you.I feel everything so fresh ,being from big amd tough work ,force and persistence….I was born a soprano,I became a doctor ,but ill die as a soprano and maybe in my future and past lives(for thoses who believe in karma) I could only be that ……!